Finding Out More About One of the World’s Largest Cathedrals Duomo is the Italian word for “cathedral”. With a floor area of 109,641 square feet, Duomo di Milan is the world’s third largest Christian church and is the oldest of the … [Read more...]
La Piazza (Piazza San Marco of Venice): The Drawing Room of Europe
You may not go to Venice just to see Piazza San Marco, but it is surely one of the must-visit, if not the first place you would pay homage to with its important landmarks and being located in the heart of the waterborne city or the City of Canals. … [Read more...]
Rome, Italy: Revisiting a Great Civilization
Magnificent palaces, impressive Roman monuments, old churches and basilicas, and elegant fountains and lavish statues – all make the Eternal City of Rome a great destination for travelers who want to immerse in the glory of its past. A trip to … [Read more...]
Villnöss Valley: The Tranquil Way to the Dolomites
Val di Funes or Villnöss Valley is just the right destination for people looking forward to quiet, idyllic days after the hustle and bustle of the city life. The valley is nestled in the Geislerspitzen (Odle) mountain range with a jaw-dropping … [Read more...]
Venice "City of Love" : From the Grand Canal to Giulietta’s Balcony
The Grand Canal remains to be Venice, Italy’s most iconic landmark or, shall we say, “watermark.” It only means you can’t visit the “City of Love” without zipping through its “main thoroughfare” boarding a vaporetto, a water taxi, or a gondola. So, … [Read more...]
The Gastronomic Icing to a Travel Adventure
Food is a major attraction and pleasure of travel. In search of new tastes and scents, foodies aka food travellers can be motivated to travel far and wide. Imagine hiking or biking long tortuous trails to be rewarded not only by a beautiful scenery … [Read more...]
Palace Suites Hotel, Trieste Italy
A Fantastic Stay at the Palace Suites Hotel in Trieste We hadn't visited Trieste previously, but had heard rave reviews from others who had visited this elegant and classical port city in the extreme north east of Italy. We needed … [Read more...]
Eat and Sleep in Venice
Comfortable Venice Dining and Accommodation “I will never forget experiencing Venice for the first time. It feels like you are transported to another time - the art, music, food and pure romance in the air is like no other place.” ~ Elizabeth … [Read more...]
Hosteria Malcanton, Trieste
Hosteria Malcanton – Great Seafood At Great Prices in Trieste During our recent visit to Trieste we discovered a great place to enjoy traditional seafood of the region. Hosteria Malcanton is a friendly and welcoming little restaurant just a short … [Read more...]
The Streets of Venice
Getting to Know the Streets of Venice “Getting lost is the only place worth going to.” ~ Tiziano Scarpa One of the most popular cities to visit in the lovely country of Italy is Venice also known as Venezia. Home to many cultural sites and … [Read more...]