One of the worries about being a solo traveler is that some of us think it will be lonely and that they will be alone all the time. This isn’t the case! You just need to discover the Power of Solo Travel to make your adventure more fun and … [Read more...]
Beating the Unseen Cold Risk of Flying
You try hard to stick to travel tips making sure you don’t get traveler’s diarrhea along the way lest your purpose of travel is defeated. One little thing you forgot is catching a cold virus on the plane while en route to the destination or on your … [Read more...]
Surviving Flight Delays and Cancellations
Getting stranded in an airport is a scenario that one too many passengers have experienced while travelling. One bad incident you wouldn’t dream of ever happening is finding yourself on a cancelled flight, which happens to be last flight of the day. … [Read more...]
Hotel Hunting Tips: Know When Less is Not Inadequate
It would save a traveler a lot of time, money and effort on seeing new places if only he/she knows the formula for a successful and memorable travel. Essentially, there are only a few factors a traveler needs to take into consideration: destination, … [Read more...]