Vacation Fitness – Healthy Eating and Staying Fit While Gone Away
By Becky Fox
When you go on vacation it can be easy to fall out of your regular exercise routine and altogether stop healthy eating habits.
Vacation fitness can be tough!
Vacation fitness can be tough, and I wouldn’t expect you to get up every morning and partake in a hard core workout or eat perfectly the whole time; however, you do want to maintain some balance of fitness and healthy eating while you are away so you don’t pack on the pounds or lose momentum you’ve built in creating a healthy lifestyle.
1. Keep up your cardio with walking. While on vacation it’s easy to incorporate walking into a variety of activities. Taking long strolls on the beach, going hiking, going to a museum, going shopping, or sightseeing can all be great ways to stay active. Rather than lounging in a chair the whole week find activities you enjoy that will allow you to be more active and maintain your fitness level while gone.
2. Watch what you eat. It’s OK to splurge a little here or there as you are on vacation as you don’t want to completely deprive yourself, but don’t make the trip one big binge fest. This is real easy to do on an all inclusive cruise so plan for healthy eating by watching portion sizes and choosing foods that are lower in fat, carbs, and salt. Besides you don’t want to be bloated on the beach do you?
3. Learn to say no. Often if you are visiting family or friends it’s even harder to stay on track. If they don’t lead a healthy lifestyle they will constantly be tempting you with unhealthy meal options and margaritas, beers, chips, and more. So stand firm if you really are dedicated to your fitness goal and let them know that you are going to continue opt for healthier foods and let them know you appreciate their support.
4. Be Prepared. Have healthy snacks available so you’re not grabbing fast food and convenience store treats while at the airport or on the road. Healthy items include fruits, veggie sticks, whole grain crackers, or low fat cheese sticks and can easily be packed for your trip. Also, don’t forget to pack some comfortable shoes and workout attire.
So be sure to follow these tips for vacation fitness so you can stay in shape and not pack on extra pounds while on vacation. Your body will thank you for it when you return home, especially when you get back into your exercise routine and regular pattern of healthy eating.
Becky Fox is the owner of Fox Fitness. Visit today to sign up for the Get Foxy Newsletter and receive your free ebook Healthy Eating on the Go. Or sign up at for your free weight loss success stories.
Fox Fitness offers in-home personal training, women’s fitness groups, and Get Foxy Boot Camp workouts in Knoxville, TN. Fox Fitness also offers online training to those around the globe.
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